Net sales by business area 2021/2022 2020/2021
Quarterly data, SEKm Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Automation 657 614 625 562 583
Components 574 534 498 487 496
Energy 700 593 657 633 683
Industrial Process 823 729 707 680 669
Power Solutions 529 462 398 365 381
Group items -4 -5 -4 -4 -7
Addtech Group 3,279 2,927 2,881 2,723 2,805
EBITA by business area 2021/2022 2020/2021
Quarterly data, SEKm Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Automation 69 77 58 60 50
Components 66 59 37 50 50
Energy 90 82 87 79 81
Industrial Process 114 52 86 77 73
Power Solutions 75 63 50 46 50
Group items -12 2 -14 -6 2
EBITA 402 335 304 306 306
Depr. of intangible non-current assets -70 -69 -66 -64 -63
– of which acquisitions -67 -64 -62 -61 -60
Operating profit 332 266 238 242 243
Net sales 3 months Rolling 12 months
SEKm 30 Jun 2021 30 Jun 2020 30 Jun 2021 31 Mar 2021
Automation 657 583 2,458 2,384
Components 574 496 2,093 2,015
Energy 700 683 2,583 2,566
Industrial Process 823 669 2,939 2,785
Power Solutions 529 381 1,754 1,606
Group items -4 -7 -17 -20
Addtech Group 3,279 2,805 11,810 11,336
EBITA and EBITA margin 3 months Rolling 12 months
30 Jun 2021 30 Jun 2020 30 Jun 2021 31 Mar 2021
SEKm % SEKm % SEKm % SEKm %
Automation 69 10.4 50 8.5 264 10.7 245 10.3
Components 66 11.5 50 10.2 212 10.1 196 9.7
Energy 90 12.9 81 11.9 338 13.1 329 12.8
Industrial Process 114 13.8 73 10.9 329 11.2 288 10.3
Power Solutions 75 14.2 50 13.1 234 13.3 209 13.0
Group items -12 2 -30 -16
EBITA 402 12.3 306 10.9 1,347 11.4 1,251 11.0
Depr. of intangible non-current assets -70 -63 -269 -262
– of which acquisitions -67 -60 -254 -247
Operating profit 332 10.1 243 8.7 1,078 9.1 989 8.7


Net sales by the subsidiaries
geographical location
3 months
30 Jun 2021
SEKm Automation Components Energy Industrial Process Power Solutions Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 204 218 236 309 270 -1 1,236
Denmark 154 156 175 102 30 -2 615
Finland 104 135 57 147 33 0 476
Norway 54 53 149 128 29 -1 412
Other Europe 134 7 73 113 137 0 464
Other countries 7 5 10 24 30 0 76
Total 657 574 700 823 529 -4 3,279
Net sales by the subsidiaries
geographical location
3 months
30 Jun 2020
SEKm Automation Components Energy Industrial Process Power Solutions Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 158 201 237 232 238 -4 1,062
Denmark 141 130 147 119 23 -3 557
Finland 93 106 63 140 29 0 431
Norway 63 48 169 100 26 0 406
Other Europe 121 5 56 44 50 - 276
Other countries 7 6 11 34 15 0 73
Total 583 496 683 669 381 -7 2,805

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